13 Jul 2014

inspirational photo challenge, entry two - the girl's cat

Hey! Guess what? I remembered. Yes, I remembered to continue with my photo challenge that I created. (see here to read about the challenge, if you haven't) Exciting, isn't it?
Today, my inspiration was this beautiful photo:

Here is mine:

OK, so I know. It is not even close to as good as the photo above. It's really what they call a sad attempt. So sad...haha...maybe someday I'll be able to hire a blonde model, find some cute fluffy Tabby cat, get a blue and white (not grey and black) stripy shirt, and give it another shot.
But, hey, at least I attempted.
Our Siamese cat, Hartford, was not amused. In other words, I'm sure she wanted to kill me. And my sister, Grace (the model) didn't want to do it either. But in the end, I did manage to get something. 
I would call the photo itself a fail, but I'm happy that at least I got my act together, and did it.
Don't worry, next week will be better, I'm sure.
Your thoughts?


  1. I really liked the picture you took!! It looks awesome!!- Jollygirl from the blog: http://reflectionsofajollygirl.blogspot.com

  2. Well, I think it's beautiful so don't worry yourself. ;)


    1. Aaww, thanks so much, Bethan. I've stopped worrying, now. :)

  3. I think the picture you took is really good!

  4. I think it's beautiful!! I really love it! :)

    1. Aaww really? Thanks, Cindy, my friend forever. :)

  5. Aw, love your photograph, Tane! Kelly xx

  6. i think its great! Would you mind if i did the same thing? if you do i won't do it, i think its really cool though!

    1. Thank you so much, Elisabeth! No, of course not, I really don't mind at all, you go ahead. I'm honored that you think it's such a great idea.


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