21 Feb 2020

Five Minute Friday [11] - No More Wrong

I find it too hard to think of a world without you
I want to be your shadow, there for all you do
There's evil in this life and I know it scars you
But we've been given love for us to hold onto

I want to bandage wounds and bruises and fix broken bones
But I know what's wrong is far more than any physical blows
Maybe my mind and hands want to do all they really know
To hold all the broken pieces together, not letting them go

Sometimes I wake up and it feels like the sun is a little stronger
But when I read the papers I only feel this place growing colder
And we are young, but doesn't that make you feel much older?
I plead and I pray that the light and the love will grow bolder

But I love the language of your heart, the sound of your song
There might be bad here, but I know that the good is strong
I dream of a place that I have maybe known all along
I'm waiting for that place where there is no more wrong

written: 21/02/20


A/N: Okay, so I might have missed another Friday post...oops. Oh well. Life is more than interesting and things normally don't go as expected.


  1. THIS, my friend is beautiful. <3

  2. Gosh. I am blushing. This is so lovely. "And we are young, but doesn't that make you feel so much older?" I'll admit it does but also if death is a measure of young or old if we die tomorrow do we become old?

    1. Thanks so much, V ♥♥ Glad we could chat about the questions you had by DMing. Thank you for being such a faithful reader xx

  3. This is really beautiful. I love the flow and the feelings!

    1. Thank you, Lorraine! That means a lot. Wow, it's been long since we last chatted!


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