8 Nov 2015


and here I am again, lifting my wet eyes to the sky
left behind and left wondering how, wondering why
watching a yellow balloon glide through the clouds
I watch and I'm silent even when I want to yell out loud

I'm like a child again, my heart tearing at the seams
I built a shell out of lost hopes and broken dreams
but ghosts walk through locked doors, and I hear myself scream
the light leaves me in the dark as it spills out of me in dull beams

and here I am again, clutching onto what I have left
a crowd of balloons tied to my wrist, still I am bereft
I find their colors reflecting on my skin, so vibrant
baby blue, pastel pink, sunset orange, deep violet
yet, the beauty only reminds me of what I could lose
I know my bones will still break, my flesh will still bruise

storms and winds will come, there will be things lost
things will be taken away, I'll be left to count the cost
empty and hurting because of the smallest of things
because of all the things I hold onto by their strings



I've been there before, destroyed by a stupid love for things. In that, there is a lesson to be learned, and I'm learning it. New knowledge, true knowledge, rebuilt me. (1 Timothy 6:17-19Luke 12:33-34Matthew 6:19-21) Don't trust in things. Things are frail. Don't chase after them, they aren't worth it.  I promise that they won't ever fill that hole inside of you, they'll just make more.

2 Nov 2015


Among the many other things that happened during the (What, two?) months of my absence, we got a Labrador puppy, which I mentioned in one of my last posts.
A puppy, guys. That means: an exuberant, face licking, warm bundle that makes everyday cuter.
There's nothing much more adorable than a Lab pup.
Her name is Lola.

This was her a few days after she came home. She was 5 weeks old.

When she was that age, she slept all the time, and everywhere. Often it happened all of a sudden; she would be playing tug of war with me and then she'd just flop down and fall asleep, in the blink of an eye.

 Even if it did make her tired and sandy, Lola loved the beach. She also loved pulling on the leash and in fact still hasn't learned that it's supposed to lead her, not the other way around.

She grew (And continues to grow) so quickly. She almost tripled her weight in one month. 

This is her today- look at the first picture, and then scroll down to this one again. Yeah, now you know what I mean about how fast she's growing. She was three months old on the 31st of October.
She came to be apart of the family when a friend who's dog had nine puppies offered to give us one. My parents caved after years of saying no to another dog. I don't think they regret it. We all love Lo. I mean, look at that face. Who wouldn't?

1 Nov 2015

5 NaNoWriMo Tips

This morning, after waking up, I was greeted by the sound of a heavy downpour. Rain. Oh, what a beautiful sound. As the water hit the roof of the house and hit the ground, wetting earth that so badly needs it, leaving patterns on the window I gazed out of, I thought: not a bad start to November. (don't be getting me wrong. I love sunny weather, very much, but even I know the loveliness of rain after days of drought) I hope this month is rainy all the way through. This country could use it.
And yes, oh yes, it is November. Which means, Christmas is just that much closer. Which means, Summer is just that much closer. Which means, it's NaNoWriMo. Which, obviously, means it's time to write.
I've never started and followed through to the end with NaNoWriMo, but I'm especially determined this year. It's a wonderful project for any writer, so if you weren't planning on it, I encourage you to give it a shot. Haven't heard of it? Well, read up on it. Maybe you'll find that it's just the sort of thing you'd like to do. And if you decide to join me as well as many other writers, it will be an opportunity to practice perseverance. Not only that, but your writing skills will improve by doing this. We all know the old saying, practice makes perfect. Yeah, well, some claim that they can't see perfection even after all their practice. I've been one to scorn those words as well. But I promise, or rather I know, that this other saying is true: practice makes better. Definitely.

It can be tough trying to complete an entire novel in thirty days. So I've written down a few tips that have helped me before and will hopefully help you.


I was reading lots of articles on NaNoWriMo, and so many of them suggested that you don't edit as you go.

How? That's what I thought at first. 50,000 words in 30 days. How am I going to make it? With everything else in my life that's going on?
I've always been a perfectionist, and sometimes it kills me not to go over the chapter I've just written and fix everything. But don't do that. Use that time to write another chapter, and just keep writing. You can fix it all in December, or even January. All the typos and misspellings, paragraphs that don't make sense, missing explanations, whatever. Ignore that squiggly red underlining. (ugh, that red underlining) For now, just write. Reserve your inner editor. Finish your novel before or on the 30th, bring your plot to life, and then, only later, worry about the professionalism that will be required if you want to publish your book. Which, I myself, would really like to do someday. 


Don't just give up when you're inspiration-less. There are ways to be inspired, of course there are.
Often I'll find myself staring at the keyboard, my mind blank as to what I should write next, or how I should write it. Yes, it's what we call a bad case of that condition that writers hate, Writer's Block. 
What do we do to rejuvenate our inspiration? Go outside. Breathe in the fresh air, observe everything around you and just think for awhile. Or, go read a book. One of your favourites, maybe. Reading inspires.
You could also try closing your eyes and teleporting your mind to the world you've created with words. Ponder everything there is to ponder, and then open your eyes to write down whatever idea struck you while you were there.


It's nice to know you're not alone. And NaNoWriMo is sort of like a unison of writers across the world. So, connect with others. Ask them to read some of your work, maybe, ask for CC (constructive criticism) and ask them if they have any ideas they'd like to share with you. Ask for tips that they use themselves, share your own tips. Read their work as well, offer them encouragement.  


What makes a good book? What does everyone look for in a good book?

Realism. Imagination. Escapism.

I think, honestly, what people want most of all, is something real. Real characters, real feelings, real problems, real overcoming and real victories. They want writers to put into words what they've felt but never been able to describe. They want that connection that can only come about through letters printed in ink on a page. I suggest you use aspects of your life, conversations you've had before, experiences you've experienced. Use them as basis for sections and paragraphs in your book. Others want to identify with what you've written, and it's easier for them to do that when you use real life scenarios. Keep it real.

While being realistic is necessary to a certain extent, imaginative ideas should be woven through the story as well. You want to make people think. You want to make them dream, you want to make them wonder. Be creative with your imagination.

Another thing I've found out about humans and books is that we read to escape. To another world. To just climb out of our messy life for half an hour with a cup of tea and a good book. We want to get lost. We want new universes and unheard of places. If you write with captivation, maybe you'll produce something they'll read with captivation. Concentrate on making it worth escaping to.


Hold out. Your fingers will probably get tired (whether you type or write with a pen)- your mind will definitely get worn out. But push yourself. Perhaps only then you'll discover what you're capable of.
If you're serious about writing, about being an author, don't give up too quickly. If NaNoWriMo is more of a light thing to you, just something fun to participate in, I guess you don't need to take it so seriously.
As for me? I want to publish a book someday. Even if it's just one book. I really do. And I'm on my way. Slow progress is still progress.

What about you? Is writing something you can see yourself always doing?