21 Feb 2020

Five Minute Friday [11] - No More Wrong

I find it too hard to think of a world without you
I want to be your shadow, there for all you do
There's evil in this life and I know it scars you
But we've been given love for us to hold onto

I want to bandage wounds and bruises and fix broken bones
But I know what's wrong is far more than any physical blows
Maybe my mind and hands want to do all they really know
To hold all the broken pieces together, not letting them go

Sometimes I wake up and it feels like the sun is a little stronger
But when I read the papers I only feel this place growing colder
And we are young, but doesn't that make you feel much older?
I plead and I pray that the light and the love will grow bolder

But I love the language of your heart, the sound of your song
There might be bad here, but I know that the good is strong
I dream of a place that I have maybe known all along
I'm waiting for that place where there is no more wrong

written: 21/02/20


A/N: Okay, so I might have missed another Friday post...oops. Oh well. Life is more than interesting and things normally don't go as expected.

7 Feb 2020

Five Minute Friday [10] - Deep Breaths

The busier one gets, the harder breathing gets. Your thoughts get all jumbled up, like a tower of jenga blocks that was knocked over whereas before it was neatly stacked and in order. You struggle to sleep without dreaming about stressful things, you struggle to take time to enjoy small and simple things, like the way the garden smells after it's just rained. You feel like you're in a cartoon sometimes, you being the character whose legs are spinning until they blur as you run to keep up with everything you need to keep up with.

But. Just. Stop a second.

See those clouds in the blue sky? What shape are they, if you're using your imagination properly? And when last did you give a real, tight hug to somebody you love? Go for a walk, take a cold shower if it's hot or a hot shower if it's cold. Write in your journal. Wake up early enough to hear the birds singing as you read your Bible to prepare yourself for the day ahead. Sing when you're washing dishes. Sit on a swing bench once in a while. Read a good novel. Play with a toddler if you're able to. Smile freely. Listen patiently to others when they have stories to tell you, show them love.

Yes, you're busy. But sometimes...slowing down is good for you. Take those next steps. but don't forget to take those deep breaths.

(Another five minute piece that might seem personal, because, well...it is. But, if you're also struggling with the fast paced flow of this life, I can testify that these small ideas or other similar actions that one can take really do help)

What do you do to calm down when you find yourself feeling swamped by everything going on?